Cathryn has 30 years of experience in professional risk and insurance. She is Lawfront’s Chief Risk Officer and Group Legal Counsel, assisting with the group’s buy and build strategy and leading the Professional Standards Team which focuses on risk, regulatory and compliance issues, takes responsibility for driving high performance within the business and ensuring that we deliver high-quality services to clients.
Cathryn was previously a Partner and Solicitor at Lawfront partner firm, Nelsons, and was head of the Dispute Resolution team. She has a proven track record of building and leading high-performing litigation teams, having also worked at Shakespeare Martineau, Irwin Mitchell, Pannone & Partners, and James Chapman & Co.
Cathryn is a Professional Negligence Lawyers’ Association member and a former consultant editor for the professional negligence division of Simons Taxes. She is also a member of the Derby University Court which provides supportive advice to the University in strategic matters.